Saturday, January 22, 2011

A few basic instructions

Someone asked how do we make a post on here? Here's a few basic directions:

First, setup your account (Mike can help w/ that). Next click the link that Mike sent us, which will take you to the class blog and add it to your functionality.

Here's what you do to view & post to that STTP (Science, Technology, Policy, Power) blog for our class:

From your blog Dashboard , click on the Science, Technology, Policy blog button that says "view blog".

That takes you here which you can bookmark directly in your browser or reader, if you prefer.

You can also choose to follow this or any other enabled blog by clicking the blue "Follow" button on the very left in the blue bar at the top of your screen. That's another cool feature which is explained here:

Ok, so you should now see the STPP blog page. From this point, look in the upper right hand corner of your screen, in the blue bar at top. Click on the "New Post" button, and you're off and running.

For those who are wondering, to comment on someone else's post, click on the blue text that follows their post which says "# comments." If nobody's commented yet, it'll read "0 comments".

If you copy and past text from your blog to post somewhere else, be sure to re-create all the HTML links. I learned this the hard way. *blush*

Hope this helps without seeming too patronizingly simple. Again, thanks to Mike for setting this all up. He's the true wizard behind the green curtain.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you Jason for putting together this great guide about how to use blogger.

  3. thank you for putting this together i will write as soon as i have something

  4. have we been given author rights yet? I don't get the "new post" link on the action bar
